
Showing posts from July, 2017

Baby Driver - Great Fun

Don't let the silly movie name put you off. Its a lot of fun. Plus you get to see a lot of Spacey, Hamm and Foxx strutting their stuff. Borrowing from Guardian of the Galaxy, there is a splendid soundtrack of great songs in it. Taking pole position was my all time fav rock song Brighton Rock by Queen, that alone would make it worth watching. Great car chases, a bit of Kayser Soza, a little Pulp Fiction ... great fun 8.5/10.

The Most Heartbreaking Singer/Song

Some of you may have already discovered Eva Cassidy, and would certainly agree with my assessment that whatever she sang, it goes straight for your heartstrings. Many people love Over The Rainbow, its iconic even. There have been so many covers of the song that it would take something very special to be even noticed. The late Eva Cassidy ... in a most poignant, powerful rendition ... makes grown men cry buckets just listening to her rendition. Just so you know, when she was singing that song she was already battling cancer. Quiet yourself down, turn on the volume and listen to the whole song. Why real talented people go so soon...

Dividends - A Proper Perspective

FOCUS Malaysia did a credible write up on dividends in Malaysia. There are still a few major issues which were not highlighted in the article. We need to fully appreciate the paradigm of investing, of listed shares, the expectations of investors and the real nature for dividends. 1) All things being equal, dividends are positive. Let's first examine WHY there are listed stocks. If we cannot grasp that, no point debating further. A stock gets listed for TWO MAIN REASONS, the other reasons are secondary. One, is to raise capital to power growth plans for the company. Two, to allow for investors to participate in the prospects and potential growth of the company. p/s: pics of Zoie Tam Hoi Kei, ...I like 2) There are investors who invest because of the stability of the business and the predictable profit streams. These are usually termed as blue chips, the ability to sustain profits growth and maintain stable dividends. A lot of long funds will want to invest in them. A lot of retiree ...